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6 Minute Walker

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game 6 Minute Walker.

This game aims to raise awareness for Pulmonary Hypertension among the players, to create an atmosphere of sweet competition during times of lock-down and to emphasize organ donation.

Pulmonary hypertension is high pressure in the lungs, and it is different than the systolic pressure measured from the arm/elbow.

It is a serious condition that affects the lungs and the heart. Because its symptoms are common with many other illnesses, it is hard to get a quick or the correct diagnosis. People with PH develop narrow or stiff arteries in their lungs, which makes it difficult for the blood to be oxygenated: as a result the right side of the heart needs to work harder. If left untreated, PH can result in heart failure and death.

In this game, our hero goes to the doctor with complaints of shortness of breath, blue lips and finger nails. After examining his tests, the doctor asks for a six-minute-walk test. The symptoms of pulmonary hypertension limit you on the way as the unpredictable obstacles slow you down. The right treatments at the right time will allow you to breathe.

There is no death in this game, you will directed to pulmonary rehabilitation and will get back to the game after you display your skills there.

As the disease progresses, you might need lung transplant. And you will witness that the lungs that are available may not be right for you. The game even allows you to donate the extra lungs you gain.

Despite being based on truth, the game is fictionalized.

We hope for increased life quality and longer lives through early diagnosis, and wish you enjoy the game.

For further information on Pulmonary Hypertension, and to support our association please visit


Thank You:

Dr.Ernst Van Romerg for identifying PH in 1891 despite unfavorable criticisms and all the doctors that have contributed to the unveiling of rare diseases

Scientific Advisors

Prof. Dr. Meral Kaykolu - Ege University Medical Faculty, Cardiology,

Prof. Dr. Ahmet. Erdal Ta - stanbul Kartal Kouyolu YEAH, Thoracic Surgery

Prof. Dr. Bedrettin Yldzeli - Marmara University stanbul Pendik, Thoracic Surgery

Do. Dr. mit Yaar Sinan - stanbul University, Cardiology Institute

The script and the software of the game were carried out by volunteers.

The game was financed by the Hamidullah family.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game 6 Minute Walker.


Developer: Appricode

Genre: Casual

App version: 0.2.3

App size: 115M

Recent changes: -Blocker spawning is reduced and blocker made easier to pass.
-English support for in-game text is added.
-Running animation in treadmill is changed with fast walking.

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