Calories of Restaurants nearby

Calories of Restaurants nearby
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Calories of Restaurants nearby.
Order healthy takeaway meals from restaurants based on your diet (vegan, halal, vegetarian, kosher, ...), allergies (gluten free, nut free, ...) and even the number of calories that you want to consume.
Every time you order on the app, the nutritional values of the meal you just ate automatically gets registered in your Health Journal, so that you can easily keep track of your calorie intake and macros.
We have just launched and are currently working with restaurants in some cities in Belgium.
You can support us by rating us on the store and following us on social media @beRuddy.
You can use Ruddy if you follow a specific diet or have allergies.
Whether you want to lose weight or gain muscles you can rely on Ruddy to help you find the best dishes in your area based on the nutrients that fits your personal diet and lifestyle. You can easily combine famous diet methods such as Flexitarian, TLC, Paleo, Ketogenic, etc with Ruddy.
Ruddy is a brand new startup based in Belgium. We are bootstrapping everything and would like your support and suggestions in order to improve our services. Our goal is to bring you accurate nutritional values of restaurant dishes in order to help facilitate your diet experiences.
Your review, suggestion and rating will help us a lot. Tnx ;)
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Calories of Restaurants nearby.
Developer: Ruddy OÜ
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