
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Commando.
Commando is Britains longest serving war comic, publishing stories of action and adventure since 1961. These stories, with their mixture of excitement, danger and courage under fire, and the dynamic artwork that accompanies them, have won Commando a loyal readership over the decades.
On land, at sea, and in the air, Commandos stories cover every corner of the globe and are set throughout world history, the epic tales of bravery in battle making Commando Comics the Home of Heroes!
Download issues to read, tap an issue to open it, and flip through pages with the swipe of a finger.
Now you can buy individual issues to keep and enjoy forever or, with a digital subscription, build up your own Commando comic library, to revisit during your subscription period.
Purchase and Subscription Information
1 Single Edition purchase for
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