
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Play this online game named Blocket!.
Rocket your way through over 100 complex and dynamic levels in this block puzzle game! Collect gems from each level to reach new heights and hard levels. And when you're ready for lift-off, raise the difficulty and challenge yourself with challenge mode!Download this free app now and save your progress to your Google Play Games account! Then, play your saved game on any tablet or phone that is linked to your GPG account.
Blocket! 1.14 Changes:1. Added GPG Cloud Saving, allowing you to save/load progress and play from any phone or tablet connected to your GPG account! Previous local saves will still work, and will be saved to GPG when/if the user logs in to their account.
2. Added extra tutorials and tips.
3. Fixed Music playing at start of the game when it was turned off.
4. Fixed issues with saving/loading with GPG and locally.
Blocket! from
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