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Play Brewniversity APK


The official app & game

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The TacoMac Brewniversity program is our way of showcasing the enormous selection and wide variety of craft, domestic and imported beers that have made TacoMac restaurants famous while having some fun along the way. As you climb the collegiate ladder of beer, you earn credit for each different brew that you purchase. The rewards start after you purchase your 13th unique beer and can continue for the rest of your Brewniversity career.

Now you can interact with Brewniversity on your smartphone!

App features Include:
- Register your Brewniversity membership card straight from your mobile device
- Explore hundreds of beers available at all TacoMac locations
- Discover beers you haven't tried and add them to your Fridge
- Keep track of the beers youve already enjoyed with your Beer History
- Learn about all the different types of beers and breweries
- View your stats and work towards the next reward level
- Keep up with TacoMac events and social media

There are some rules to your involvement with Brewniversity, but the most important rule is to have fun and dont be afraid to broaden your beer drinking horizons! Please be sure to drink responsibly and assign a designated driver. The rest is up to you! Enroll in TacoMac Brewniversity today. Download the Brewniversity app. Earn your degree without ever leaving your barstool.

TacoMac sometimes known as T.MAC.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Brewniversity.


Developer: Taco Mac Sports Grill

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