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Pixly Professional Dark - Icon play online

Play Pixly Professional Dark - Icon APK

Pixly Professional Dark

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Pixly Professional Dark - Icon.

* 4545 Icnes rsolution 2K SuperHD+(350 X 350)Pixels!
* 55 Fonds d'cran HD avec une rsolution 2K (2000x2000)Pixels!
* Chaque icne est conu avec un soin extrme des dtails!
* Processus de rendu Triple des icnes!
* Auto Masking pour les icnes d'applications manquantes!
* Calendrier dynamique App pour le calendrier Stock et Google!
* Demande icnes manquant directement via l'application (3 gratuites pour chaque version)!
* Mise jour priodique garanti!

This Icon Pack needs a compatible launcher to be applied (Nova Launcher, Action Launcher, etc.)!

Remerciements particuliers D. Mahardhika pour CandyBar.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Pixly Professional Dark - Icon.


Developer: Cris87

Genre: Personalization

App version: 2.5.0

App size: 62M

Recent changes: - 25 New Icons;
- 4545 Total Icons;
- 55 Total 2K Resolution Wallpapers;
- New Graphical Interface!
- Added Multilanguage Support!
- Added Support for Many New Launchers!
- Added Donation Buttons and Request Premium Icons!
- Added Social link(Telegram, Instagram and Facebook) in About Section!


Another great set of round HD icons, thank you. Cant wait to see a black border set.

I want to come back to this. This is immaculate, but too many missing icons!'

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