Emitra Info

Emitra Info
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Emitra Info.
Emitra Info app contains all information related to emitra docs. In E-mitra Info appp , you can get all the documents related to to e-mitra, the information of the documents will be provided with complete details.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Emitra Info.
Developer: Vidstatus Team
Genre: Education
App version: 2.6.0
App size: 6.5M
Recent changes: Emitra Info have been newly designed with more information.
Emitra Info have a lot of information with new look and its have a Home Screen Display with two ways. which one Emitra Information and the second is Education or Govt and Private Vacancy Details.
Emitra Information showing separately information step by step.
We hope this is much more Beautiful and informative for you.
Please rate and review this app because we bring a new version for you in future.
App open only for 1 or 2 sec , then automatically exit and asking for update but on play store app already updated ..
Its not good automatic out when install
Very very worst app this app is not open this app is only vaste of time not download
It keeps stoping whenever it is opened.
Not open Time and net westing app'
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