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Football Team Assistant play online

Free play online Football Team Assistant APK

Football Team Assistant

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named Football Team Assistant.

Awesome Experience
The main aim of this app is to make it as easy as possible, so that everyone can use it. In every harder section there is a tutorial that will learn you how to use it.

Everything in one place, for everyone
From now, everyone will know what, where, when and how is happening in your team. Thanks to the clear calendar it is clearly visible, when is something happening and when not. After tapping on some event you will see the details of it.

Role division
Each team consists of one team manager (could be even a coach) that can do everything, multiple coaches that can do everything except editing the team and multiple players that can see everything, but cannot edit.

Creating a training plan and match tactic
For every training you can create a training plan that everyone can see. It will prevent long and useless explaining of every exercise during training. You can create match tactic, too and shorten the time needed for pre-match tactic preparation.

For every training you can record attendance and for every match you you can give rating to individual player. Statistics will appear in Team tab. Coaches can see all statistics, players just their own.

After each edit or creation of an event you will receive a push notification that something was edited or created in your team, with date of the changed event.

We tried to choose the most important features, so that the organization of every football team using Football Team Assistant is noticeably improved. We will be adding more and more new features gradually.

If you have any question or request regarding our app, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@ftaapp.com.


- Calendar of training and matches
- Attendance and rating players
- Navigation to a training or match place
- Create a line up for the match
- Create a match tactic
- Create a training plan



Football Team Assistant from UptoPlay.net

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