Healthy Salad and Go Recipe

Healthy Salad and Go Recipe
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Initially, lettuce was defined as a food consisting of fresh vegetables. Originally, this understanding was not entirely correct. Because in the past many other ingredients were added to vegetables, resulting in a different type of lettuce. Finally, the notion of lettuce is still based on the old understanding, because lettuce can be interpreted as food with dressing (sauce) and is usually served with fresh vegetables.
In its evolution, salad is defined as a dish that combines fresh green vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry and fish and is served with sauce or fresh fruit and juice only.
Many famous salad names, such as tomato salad, orange salad, and tossed salad, come from the dressings used. Salads can be served cold, hot, raw, cooked, or a combination thereof. Most importantly, the salad looks fresh and attractive when served.
A good salad can be seen from several aspects, including:
1. Textures
The main ingredients of salads derived from Vegetables when served raw must be really fresh and soft and of good quality, if the main ingredients must be processed first they must go through good material handling and be cooked thoroughly.
2. Consistency (mixed state of ingredients)
Mixing the main ingredients with the sauce/dressing must be just right, not too dry and moist or runny
3. Taste (flavor)
The taste must be balanced between body and sauce/dressing
4. Appearance
The appearance of the salad does not only depend on the composition of the color and ingredients, but the size of the plate (salad bowl/dessert plate, cocktail glass) also affects the appearance of the salad served.
Requirements In Making Salad
Fresh ingredients and seasonings
Ingredients that need to be cooked must be well cooked
Preparation :
a) Crispy green vegetables are washed in running water and soaked in ice water
b) Dry with a clean cloth or use a basket dryer
c) Materials that are not ready to use, put in the refrigerator
d) Mixing the dressing when it will be served
e) The taste is balanced and does not stand out from any of the spices
f) Appearance must pay attention to the arrangement of the menu so that there is no repetition of ingredients
g) Served easily and not too much set
Salad Composition
Composition of a complete salad (complete salad) consists of four main parts, namely:
Underliner (base or base)
The underliner or part of the base/base is generally made from green leafy vegetables in the form of lettuce or lettuce because they are fresh vegetables that are dry/crispy, both julienne cut and whole. The purpose is to make the salad look fresher (refreshing effect), sometimes sometimes the underliner can be made from non-green vegetables. Body (main part)
This section is the main part of the salad, the name of the salad is generally taken from this main part, for example tomato salad, potato salad. Dressings (sauces)
Dressings commonly used to make salads are oil-based dressings for lettuce, butter-based dressings and their derivatives. Garnishes (decoration)
Used to beautify dishes, the purpose of garnishing is to enhance the appearance of the food being served. Appearance is the most important factor that determines the attractiveness of food. Garnishing dishes is an art in itself, and it requires the creativity of the chef.
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Developer: Ismi Apps
Recent changes: Healthy Salads and Go Recipe
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