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Namaz Finder: Prayer Times play online

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Namaz Finder: Prayer Times

The official app & game

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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Namaz Finder: Prayer Times.

Our application is the world's first searchable Quran and Hadith app with an unparalleled array of incredible features:

-Read the Holy Quran by Surah or Parah Listings.
-Read the Holy Quran with translations in English, Urdu, Hindi, and Roman Urdu script.
-Read the Holy Quran with translations by renowned scholars such as Muhammad Juna Garhi, Noor ul Amin, Mufti Taqi Usmani, Tahir-ul-Qadri, Amin Ahsan Islahi, Allama Hasan Rizvi, Abul Alaa Moududi, Kanzul Iman, and more.
-Read the Holy Quran with Arabic to Urdu Word-by-Word translation.
-Read Tafasir of the Quran by Taqi Usmani, Abul Ala Moudodi, Ibne Kaseer, and listen to audio Tafseer of Dr. Israr Ahmed and Mufti M. Sayeed.
-Add your own notes along with each Ayah of the Holy Quran.
-Save Bookmarks for the Holy Quran to record where you left off or to mark important passages.
-Search the entire Holy Quran by typing in Arabic.
-Search entire translations of the Holy Quran by typing in English, Urdu, Roman Urdu, or Hindi.
-Browse an alphabetically ordered list of all the Arabic words present in the Holy Quran and jump straight to the Ayahs containing these words.
-Begin reading any Ayah of your choice in any Surah of the Holy Quran directly from that point.
-Search the Holy Quran by Arabic Root Word. In the Arabic language, the majority of words stem from a Root Word, and a word is formed by applying predictable vowels, prefixes, and suffixes to the original Root. This is particularly useful for individuals interested in learning the Arabic language or understanding the Quran's meaning.
-Search the Holy Quran by Subject or Topic, sorted alphabetically in both English and Urdu.
-Effortlessly share any Ayah with your loved ones.
-Listen to Holy Quran recitations by at least 12 world-renowned reciters.
-Listen to Holy Quran Audio Translation and Tafaseer.

Features of Hadith:
-Access the Seven Primary Source Books of Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) that are universally considered as the most authentic in the Muslim Ummah, with the consensus of Muslim scholars: Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Jame Tirmazi, Sunnan Abu Dawood, Sunnan Nisai, Sunnan Ibne Maja and Musnad Ahmed.
-Access Two Secondary Books of Ahadith collection, namely Al-Silsila-tus-Sahiha and Mishkat-ul-Masabeeh.
-Read Original Ahadith in Arabic, as well as Translations of Ahadith in both Urdu and English.
-All Ahadith are fully Referenced with international numbering (from world-renowned Darus Salaam publications).
-Listen to Audio versions of Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Jame Tirmazi, Sunnan Nisai, and Sunnan Abu Dawud Translations.
-Read Ahadith chapter by chapter, as they were written in the original books.
Filter book chapters based on Sahih (strong in authenticity) and Zaeef (weak in authenticity) Ahadith, or read full chapters without filtering.
-Complete details are provided for each Hadith, including Baab, Status/Grade, Source Reference of Status/Grade, Takhreej, and Wazahat.
-Collection of Authentic Ibaadaat, Azkar and Dua of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.):
-Access authentic Azkar and Duas of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) for Namaz, including those for post-Takbir-Tahreema, Rukooh, post-Ruku, Sujdah, between Sajdahs, and Tashahud.
-Find information on Roza, Hajj, Umrah, and Namaze Janaza with authentic Azkar and Duas.

-Access 27 Qaida Lessons with Audio to learn how to read Quran.
-Learn Tajweed Description with Images.
-Collection of Authentic Duas from Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.):
-Get full reference to the source books of Ahadith for each Dua.
-Easily share any Dua with your friends and family.

Other Features:
-Check local Namaz timings in your city to ensure you never miss a prayer.
-Find the Qibla direction so you can pray in the correct direction.
-Access Tasbeeh, Islamic Date, and the 99 Names of Allah.
-Share greetings with your loved ones.
-Explore Shahadat.
NAMAZ FINDER app is regularly updated with more books and features for the benefit of the Muslim Ummah!

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Namaz Finder: Prayer Times.


Developer: Developer Adda pvt limited

Recent changes: Updated new version new sdk

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