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DaysPlan-Time Management play online

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DaysPlan-Time Management

The official app & game

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Use UptoPlay to play online the game DaysPlan-Time Management.

DaysPlan is the android extension of the DaysPlan web application that is easily accessible through your Android Mobile device to help you track your employees Time Off, Leave, and Vacation. A handy tool for companies who are already using our web application.

(NOTE: To be used with the web application only. Create an account on https://www.daysplan.com prior to downloading the app)

Please visit www.daysplan.com to sign up for our services.
Some of our features are:

Time off Requests are routed to the managers for approval with email notifications.
Managers can view a Team View Calendar prior to approval.
On approval, email notifications are sent to the requestor and balances are updated immediately.
Your Outlook or Mail Calendars can also be synced to with the requested time off.
The primary web application supports complex accrual policies to automatically calculate and accrue time off.
The software supports individual work day and time schedules.
Pre-loaded Annual Holiday calendar for most Countries.
Built in support for companies accrual policies with divisions in different countries. Supports Reporting services according to the needs and policies set in your organization.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game DaysPlan-Time Management.


Developer: DaysPlan, Inc.

Recent changes: - Core Upgrade

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