Audio Manager:Hide photo,video

Audio Manager:Hide photo,video
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Audio Manager:Hide photo,video.
Audio Manager Vault: Hide photos,videos,audios,notes.
The Audio Manager Gallery Vault is a smart and secrate vault to hide photos,videos from gallery.
Hide your photos and videos behind secrate Audio Manager.
-Photos & videos protection: hidden files can only be accessed with correct password.
-Secrate lock: hide your files behind audio manager secrate lock and open vault by enter correct passcode and fingreprint(supported devices).
-Create Secrate Notes: Create secate notes inside vault and access only by enter ccorrect passcode.
-Hide Audios: you can also hide mp3 files inside vault.
-Share hidden files: you can also share hidden files from vault with security.
-Image SlideShow: Image SlideShow with custom duration
-FingrePrint Unlock: you can also open vault by your fingerprint(Supported devices)
-Fake passcode: Fake passcode will display empty vault.
-Passcode Recovery: In case of forgot passcode you can recover it by Entering correct Security Question/Answer.
All the images are used in this app is get from: credit goes to pexels and photographers.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Audio Manager:Hide photo,video.
Developer: MizzOraninlky
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