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Ghosts Of Britain Spirit Box play online

Play Ghosts Of Britain Spirit Box APK

Ghosts Of Britain Spirit Box

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Ghosts Of Britain Spirit Box.

This application is a fully automatic ITC Research set-up for those who wish a simplified version of the main Scottish Paranormal Spirit Box Application. It still has the full power of the 4 Audio banks and the fantastic engine that has already proven amazing results by those who have used it.

This is a special edition Ghosts Of Britain Spirit Box App, the official app created for GOB and it's team of Lee & Linzi Steer along with others.

We hope by offering this app for free, we can encourage more members of the public to get involved in ITC Research and real spirit communication with many validations.

Email us with any problems. We are more than happy to help you!

Feel free to check out the SP Mini Spirit Box App & The fully customized Scottish Paranormal Spirit Box App as part of this family of ITC Devices by SP Developer Jonathan Garaway.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Ghosts Of Britain Spirit Box.



Genre: Entertainment

App version: 2.8

App size: 10M


After reading folks having trouble at start up, I downloaded and installed. The problem is phone permissions, you may need to go into settings. Apps, GOB, permissions and set two slides to on. Then start app and it works. This removes run time error. The app is fully working, and runs as soon as permissions accepted. Good luck folks.

It keeps telling me to open some random item or element. I've tried everything. Could anyone tell me what to do. I've gave all the permissions that didn't do anything. Still same messages. I really liked it. Guess I will just uninstall if I can't make it work. CRAZY!!

Waste Of Time. App has all permissions, this is a new phone with great coverage, no extra apps installed, but I keep getting a Run Time Error message everytime I press the power button. Great Waste Of Time

I'm having abit of trouble working out the letters is the spirit meant to hear your questions or something when you click one as here is a mic on the screen abit confused

Definitely must set permissions to Allow before running the app before it will work! Great app!'

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