PCC 2023

PCC 2023
The official app & game
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You are very welcome to the Palliative Care Congress (PCC). Each year we strive to showcase the current science, art, creativity and future in palliative care. This year is no exception! We have a programme which endeavours to blend the many wide aspects of our unique and excellent specialty. Indeed, we mix research and compassion, communication and evidence, hope and troubles in a big blending pot. We want you involved, in the workshops, the book club, the ethical, the scientific, the political and the research. Please talk, make new friends, collaborate with colleagues and forge old fellowships. The arms of palliative care are wide, specialist and generalist, supportive and end-of-life, art and science, nurses, doctors, all health professionals at the hospital, hospice and home. Our scope is our strength, our shared vision, our hope. New folk to the PCC please make yourself known, have fun, listen, learn a little and teach us. You all have something to bring. Old folk, always a pleasure, muck in. There are many troubles in this world, if the PCC tries to do anything it is to try and illuminate potential ways forward. Please let us all see the PCC as an opportunity to enliven and share paths never considered. Feedback is a funny thing, but please give it all to me, the wows and the woes. Your troubles are our troubles. Indeed, we are about, Sustaining each other, growing together.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game PCC 2023.
Developer: All In The Loop
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