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The official app & game

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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Tardis.

Tardis 2020 is a physics educational game focusing on kids.

Tardis is targeting kids up to, but not limiting to, age 13 to educate them about different physical concepts to give a wholesome understanding. Kids can easily learn different basic physics laws, through Tardis 2020.

Tardis 2020 comprises of different mini games to help kids in comfortably understanding different physics concepts, as the game gets updated over time. For now it comprises of laws of projectile motion. More concepts will be added soon.

10 different planets
Feel the difference in projectile motion on each planet
Adjust speed of cannon ball
Score baskets on different planets
Google and Facebook authentication

Are you ready to visualize different physics concepts?
As Tardis 2020 is in early access, it will be updated constantly. Please rate and give your feedback for further improvement of the game & share your suggestions at [email protected].

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Tardis.


Developer: COMSATS Software Solutions

Genre: Educational

App version: Varies with device

App size: Varies with device

Recent changes: Updated Dependencies
Fixed IAP

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