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Doutrina e convênios português play online

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Doutrina e convênios português

The official app & game

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The Doctrine and Covenants is a collection of divine revelations and inspired statements given for the establishment and regulation of the kingdom of God on earth in the last days. While most sections are addressed to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the messages, warnings, and exhortations are for the benefit of all mankind and invite all people everywhere to hear the voice of the Lord Jesus. Christ, speaking to them for their earthly welfare and their eternal salvation.

Containing Revelations Given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, with Some Additions from His Successors in the Presidency of the Church.

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Developer: Dranser Apps

Recent changes: Obrigado por escolher Doutrina e Convênios! Esta atualização inclui melhorias de estabilidade e desempenho. Nesta versão, foram corrigidos bugs que melhoram nosso produto para ajudá-lo a usar melhor o aplicativo e um novo design foi incluído com muitos novos recursos.

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