Classic Junk

Classic Junk
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Play this online game named Classic Junk.
Ever been to a junk yard and saw the car you wanted to pick apart has already been stripped clean? And then you wondered, "maybe if I knew it was there a day earlier I would have gotten to it." Well then the Classic Junk app is for you. This app will search for you, just enter in the type of car you are looking for, like Camaro or Celica, then a date range and done! Once a car you are looking for pops up it'll send you an alert with the location of the yard that it is in. Just a simple straight forward app, no BS, just the info you're looking for. Don't let another car pass you by that you need for your project.Before getting the app check our map coverage to see if you are in an area that we service. If you don't see coverage, check back with us later as we are continuing to add more yards to help fill in all the gaps.
v29.0: Fixed search bug, and notification badge sometimes not clearing. Support for Australia junk yards!v28.8: Fixed notifications, less bandwidth used, faster!
v28.6: Smoother experience, new theme, and bug fixes.
v28.2: New notifications now show up in green.
v28: New release from ground up.
Added share support.
New design.
New iOS version as well! Check us out on iTunes.
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