Uni of Beds - MyBedsLife

Uni of Beds
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Uni of Beds - MyBedsLife.
The MyBedsLife app is available for prospective and current students.
If you are a student, please sign in for access to a simple, personalised and customisable way to keep up to date with the University of Bedfordshires Student Services.
Prospective students are not required to sign in and have access to a dashboard containing everything to help them on their journey with joining the University of Bedfordshire.
The app brings together everything you may need for your learning and education experience in one place, with the added benefit of only needing to log on once to access all your services.
The MyBedsLife app enhances your experience of the desktop site, while any changes to the desktop are synced to the mobile app making for easy personalisation.
Features include but are not limited to:
Personal Timetable - View your academic timetable and your e-mail calendar in one place.
Blackboard/BREO - Access your unit announcements, information and assignments.
Email - Easy access to your student e-mail, view your inbox and compose messages.
e:Vision - Your personal student record where you can update contact details, check your results and find your personal academic tutor details.
Library Account Keep up-to-date with your borrowing history and reservations, and receive notifications when a reserved book is available, or you have an overdue notice.
Discover Library Catalogue Search the catalogue and library subject guides.
Newsroom Receive important University messages and subscribe to other useful feeds.
Maps Detailed maps of all our campuses with key points of interest.
Book a PC - Find available PC's on campus
Printing Services - Send documents to print and check your print credits balance
IMPORTANT: Downloading or using this app indicates consent to the terms of our privacy policy which can be located here:
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Uni of Beds - MyBedsLife.
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