Namba Box

Namba Box
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Namba Box.
Get more orders online through your mobile app.
Own mobile application for sales in Namba Box is created free of charge in 5 minutes.
Applications from Namba Box sell more effectively than mobile sites or social networks. All the functions of the store are already on board: a convenient catalog, smart search, online payment.
Add a link to the app to your Instagram profile, promotional materials, or product tags in your posts. Share a link to products or the entire catalog in instant messengers.
The magic is that you don't have to force customers to play online your new application - the catalog opens right on the link. This is possible thanks to Instant App, a new technology from Google that Namba Box uses.
You can create your own blitz application in Namba Box in 5 minutes. Just register, enter the name of the store and add products.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Namba Box.
Developer: Namba Soft Inc.
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