Repertoire lite
![Play Repertoire lite APK Play Repertoire lite APK](/imagescropped/repertoireliteicon128.jpgplus.webp)
Repertoire lite
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Repertoire lite.
Important: Initially there are no tabs/chords/lyrics in this app!
- add tabs/chords/lyrics of any song
- keep track with "learn states": upcoming, learning, mastered, repeating, archived
- automatically repeat mastered songs after a while
- tag songs for occasions like campfire, solo, band
- link audio files to play along with music speed changer
- ideal companion for solo practice and (band) rehearsal
- Repertoire lite is limited to 8 songs, get full version after trying and take your songs with you
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Repertoire lite.
Developer: diligence
Recent changes: zoom when editing tab/chords/lyrics
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