Word Lookup
Word Lookup
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Word Lookup.
Word Lookup is the ultimate Anagram, Word Finder and Dictionary for word games like Words With Friends, SCRABBLE, Letterpress, WordFeud, WELDER and crossword puzzles.
Use it to resolve a challenge, improve your game, and learn new words and their meanings.
170,000+ word English dictionary (as used in Words With Friends Classic / WWF2)
Anagram Finder enter up to 15 letters with 3 blanks to find all valid words (and sub-words)
Word definitions
FAST. Search and display the point score as you type
Useful Word Lists to improve your knowledge: 2 letter words, 3 letter words, Q not followed by U, All vowels, All consonants except Y, High scoring words, WWF Tile distribution (the quantity of each letter tile available in WWF)
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Advanced Search example (Search Tab):
Use ? or [space] as a wildcard for one letter.
Example: l??kup returns linkup, lockup, lookup
Advanced Anagrams example (Anagrams Tab):
(1) Use a ? or space as a blank letter
Example: XZ? returns ZAX, ZA, AX
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Some user feedback:
Its great! Definitely improved my game! S.R.
Word Lookup is easy to navigate. I now also use it as my everyday dictionary. Well done. A.C.
Great vocabulary builder! Helps when you have a mind block without cheating! R.V.
Love this App. Awesome App! When Im all out of words and need just that one, I check the words app and whala! That one word pops up! Love love this app! - Happyasalark, 2019.
Great app. Fun to use. Teaches you new words. - Terry, 2019.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Word Lookup.
Developer: Appspired
Genre: Word
App version: 2021.3
App size: 67M
When I look up for a word, no definition,no list appear. Did I miss a step? So far it's useless to me. Thanks in advance for your help"
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