Cricket/501 Score

Cricket/501 Score
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Cricket/501 Score.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Cricket/501 Score.
Developer: Bluesteel
Genre: Social
App version: 2.5.2
App size: 675k
Recent changes: 2.5.2
- Bug fixes
- 501 Leg counter on players
- 501 Keep screen awake while playing
- Handle phone backbutton
- 501 Fixed avg score (again)
- 501 Went a little overboard with gfx
- 501 better tablet support
- 501 more detailed highscore
It's obviously a work in progress but it has the cleanest, easiest to use UI of them all. We were playing darts at a pub and the dry erase marker died so we started looking for an app to keep the score. There are sure lots of apps out there but they are all overthinking it. Just need something to replace the whiteboard and this one is perfect. Doesn't keep track whose turn it is, doesn't count score averages, doesn't have separate buttons and display, fills the whole screen... just perfect. Keep at it!
No Mickey Mouse, just 501 and Cricket'
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