The official app & game
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Use UptoPlay to play online the game E-Library STIF SYENTRA.
The best of friends to sit with at all times is a book. STIF SYENTRA E-Library is a digital library service that provides access to the STIF SYENTRA academic community to borrow and read digital books, magazines and newspapers for internal needs that can be accessed via smartphone devices. STIF SYENTRA E-Library can be accessed via smartphone.
- Read books, magazines or newspapers anytime anywhere via smartphone
- Borrowing and returning books, magazines or newspapers just got easier
- Books, magazines or newspapers that have been borrowed can be downloaded and then read in the application
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game E-Library STIF SYENTRA.
Developer: Gramedia Asri Media
Recent changes: 1. Kami telah memperbaiki bug dan meningkatkan kinerja aplikasi
2. Anda dapat melihat jenis format di detail buku. Jika format buku ePUB, Anda dapat menyesuaikan tampilan saat membaca (font, perataan, dll). Jika format buku PDF, tampilan tidak dapat disesuaikan.
3. Sekarang, Anda dapat mencari kata yang Anda cari di buku melalui fitur Search.
4. Akurasi Durasi Baca
5. Memelihara kompatibilitas versi.
Terima kasih karena selalu menggunakan E-Library STIF SYENTRA
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