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Mirror Link

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Mirror Link.

Mirror Link For Car is an easy app to connect your car screen with your mobile phone in few steps your car will be smart and share your data like media, photos, contacts, maps, videos, and more... just enable MirrorLink in your auto settings

How Mirrorlink android app for android works:
Open the mirror link app and you find 2 options 1 smart view and mirrorlink android the first option to connect the phone to the car with WIFI directly from your device with easy steps.
The second option for connecting your mobile phone with any screen in your car with WIFI mode IP address.
It works with all car brands.

FEATURES: Mirror Link For Car
Screen sharing smartphone to car screen stably
Screen sharing & screen connect simple, quick one-click
Watch movies, listen to music on Mirrorlink android auto
Listen to music, text, call, and view the map

Mirror Link auto you can connect your phone to your car tv without using any cable this app help you to mirror your mobile with home TV and car TV screen and all other device so you can drive safely.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Mirror Link.


Developer: MSMAPP

Recent changes: Remove unused permission.
Reduce Ads.
Android 11 and new APIs support .

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