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Smartee Doctor play online

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Smartee Doctor

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Smartee Doctor.

Smartee Doctor is an online case management application developed for orthodontists. It helps doctors to follow cases and know well of case status. This application contains following three core contents:
1. Online case customization: The application supports online case customization, and can easily upload cases at any time, design and modify cases, and customize the treatment plan the first time.
2. Case 3D animation viewing: Doctors can view the animation online after the animation is generated, provide feedback online, interact with the designer, and accurately define the animation stages. Also, animation can be shared to display.
3. Know well of case status: You can use the application to check the progress of cases at any time, and adjust the treatment plan according to case status.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Smartee Doctor.



Recent changes: 1. Modification on animation approval and rules for post-delivery rules for processing
2. Improved user interactions via optimization on some issues

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