
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game gameforgolf.
gameforgolf is an application focus on game calculation and easy to use scoring system for general golfers. With easy and reliable score transferring mechanism between mobile devices we provide better user friendly and better entertaining golfing experience. Just the games you play with your golf buddies.
User friendly scoring system, with wearable devices, you can ease the operations of scoring and enhance better user experience of convenience.
Build-in game calculation rules for general golfer, you can get the numbering and wining of your designated games in seconds.
When transfer scores in between all the different mobile devices we create a reliable QR code score transferring system, you dont need to worry about the settings and unstable wireless connections anymore.
Message board system can help members to share their experience, post news, or group golf games.
Members can save your golfing records, you can always trace and manage you games now or in history.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game gameforgolf.
Developer: Asabulu International
Genre: Sports
App version: 2.0.0
App size: 101M
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