Crocodile live wallpaper

Crocodile live wallpaper
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Play this online game named Crocodile live wallpaper.
In front of you there is one of the most terrible predators on the Earth!Toothy crocodile is under the water near the bottom.
Crocodile is slowly opening and closing its huge jaws.
It seems that crocodile is warming up before attacking its victim.
An uncountable number of sharp teeth can chew any prey.
Install live wallpaper "Crocodile" completely free!
*Pay attention: antivirus may falsely detect threats (some antivirus programs regard possible appearance of advertising as malware).
**Please mind that the actual speed of animation depends on device characteristics (screen size and resolution; CPU frequency and number of cores; RAM size).
***You may slow down or speed up animation by selecting speed value by your own discretion:
– enter "Live wallpaper" menu and select installed wallpaper;
– enter submenu with settings;
– tap "Animation speed" entry and make your choice;
– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
If you are not satisfied – please repeat the above steps and select another value.
Crocodile is one of the most dangerous predators in the world!
Crocodile differs from alligator in the shape of its muzzle.
Crocodile’s muzzle is sharp V-shaped, alligator has dull U-shaped.
Crocodiles, unlike alligators, can live in salt water, because they are able to remove excess salts with the help of special tear glands.
This process is often called "pour crocodile tears."
So, crocodiles do not cry out of pity for their prey!
Crocodiles are common in all tropical countries.
The ancestors of crocodiles lived mainly on land, and modern crocodiles are adapted to semi-aquatic life.
Most of the day, crocodiles swim in water.
However, in the morning and in the evening they go ashore to take "sunbathing".
Crocodile is dangerous for humans.
Crocodiles are historically one of the most revered animals on the planet.
In many ancient cultures, crocodile was considered a sacred animal.
Crocodile with an open jaws symbolizes movement against the current.
Crocodile also symbolizes silence.
Crocodile in Ancient Egypt symbolized malice and meanness.
But on the other hand, crocodile is a symbol of strength and wisdom.
Crocodile because of its similarity to a dragon means chaos or evil.
Enjoy this free live wallpaper!
added possibility to change animation speed
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