Galeria do Meia

Galeria do Meia
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Galeria do Meia.
In the game Galeria do Meia, from the Meias Aventuras project, each child can create versions of the character with different hairstyles, accessories and clothes according to their creativity. The game is part of a set of fun proposals used to provide the cognitive, social and emotional development of each child.
Through the application, you will be able to share your creation with your relatives, teachers and friends!
For more information and to see other initiatives of the Meias Aventuras Project, access:
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Galeria do Meia.
Developer: MultiRio – Empresa Municipal de Multimeios
Recent changes: Primeira versão mobile do Galeria do Meia
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