
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Play this online game named SpellCast.
How to play:-Open spell menu by touching the button on left.
-Choose max of 3 spells:
★Fireball: Fires a basic projectile.Normal damage, High knockback.
★Repeater: Fires 5 projectile.Very low damage, knockback.
★Homing: Fires a homing projectile.Low damage, Very low knockback.
★Explosion: Creates a explosion around you.Very high damage, knockback.
★Hook: Pulls the target.
★Speed: Increases speed for a short time.
★Invisibility: Makes you invisible for a while.(This effect dispels on any spell cast.)
★Teleporter: Teleports you according to your speed vector.
★Shield: Reflects projectiles including hook.
-Close spell menu by touching right button.
-Cast spells by touching the spell buttons.
-Compasses show place of enemy (Green,Blue) and the middle of the map (Red).
SpellCast from UptoPlay.net
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