
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Stumanco.
Dear Children and Parents
Welcome to this exclusive mobile-based self-learning, mentor-guided experience!
This app is part of the unique assisted learning methodology.
This methodology has three elements - concept, activity, and practice.
Concepts and activities are taught in your school. This app helps you reinforce those learning through practice exercises. You will find the exercises effective and enjoyable.
If you have any questions, do write to us at [email protected]
Some of the highlights of the App which the learner may use:
* Self-Learning Concept Videos
understand the concepts through scenarios
audio/visual aids various learning styles
* Weekly Tests
stimulate the learners knowledge and curiosity through simple to complex
* Mentor Guidance
English experts mentor your learning
* Weekly Tests
Continuous evaluation of learning
* Vocabulary Enhancement
Know meaning and pronunciation of skill-related words
An exceptional opportunity to record your voices and get it evaluated
Enhance pronunciation and build up confidence
* Report Card
Get result of your progress
Improve weak areas after getting feedback
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Stumanco.
Developer: StudentManagementCircle
Recent changes: Improved Performance
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