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Modern House American

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Characteristic that is very easy to see is on the stone walls. American home design is identical with the use of bricks. Its neat and tidy arrangement can not be separated from the elegant modern western classic American house design. Its uniqueness is the main attraction. The red color of the stone is very distinctive even sometimes painted with mix and match other colors. But still the original colors look more flashy and alive.

Design Model American Style House or American Style Latest - Having a comfortable dwelling is certainly a dream for everyone. With a comfortable home of course make residents can freely with a comfortable activity in it.

American Style House Design - Want to create a new home but confused apply the concept of home design? You can try to apply the concept to your home in an American style. Sure we rarely find a house with an American design, the average home in Indonesia style minimalist house, classical, and traditional. However, it's not unsuitable that you apply American style home designs. You can try it.

American style enthusiasts must know that the American style is very striking not only from the design alone, but also from the architecture of the house. This house is still often referred to as a federal home because the main government of the country is federal. The federal government in question was government in the period 1780-and 1820.

Like the concept of elegant European style western house design, American-style house also has a number of windows that quite a lot. more or less usually there are 6 windows placed on the side wall of the house. 2 windows are made of large size and placed in front of the house. right beside the door of the house.

Surely the appearance of the house also needs to be taken into account because it supports the nuances that you can get in the house. to create an attractive home look, many concepts that you can use ranging from minimalist, modern, classical, traditional and many more. Home design using the American style also you can use on your dwelling. Although the house with a concept like this not too familiar in Indonesia. But the design of the latest american style home model

The American-style house design is known as a home model with a federal design. In terms of design, the word federal can refer to the period of 1780-1820 or also known as the American phase of Adam style. Broadly speaking, the design of this house is so much inspired by contemporary European style.

So the American-style house is no longer a style of home that can be considered modern, but more influenced by the European style, especially Italy and Greece. The design of this house most often you will find in coastal areas in America, such as Georgia and Savannah.

His typical style can also be seen from his symmetrical form. Although the design is simple but still looks luxurious and elegant. Almost all of the components in American homes are shaped simeteris, ranging from doors, windows, and others.

Many advantages of this home design, more practical home design that you can see on the foundation and character of the house. The concept of the latest american-style home model is more emphasis on quality with a variety of designs that use. Many design variations of American-style homes range from classic American-style homes, Mediterranean-style and American-style homes,

American-style house generally has a distinctive motif and color that is classic. Characterized by a dark roof model and wooden-walled models painted in bright ivory or white. Some houses are equipped with chimneys for heating in the house. This is because America has a snowy winter so that residents equip each house with a chimney for heating that is usually wood-fired.


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