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Memang pada dasarnya, berlatih beladiri adalah berlatih untuk 'membela diri' atau 'mempertahankan diri'. Banyak interpretasi tentang arti 'membela diri'. Secara harafiah membeladiri adalah melindungi diri sendiri. Pertanyaan berikutnya adalah: "melindungi diri sendiri dari apa?". Tentunya banyak yang akan setuju bahwa arti 'membela diri' adalah melindungi diri sendiri dari hal-hal yang membahayakan diri.

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Jiu Jitsu, Jogo do pau, Judo, Kalaripayat, Karate, Kempo, Kendo

Kung fu, Muay Thai, NEST, Silambam, Silat, Taekwondo, Taido, nju

Tomoi, Wing Tsun, Wun-hup-kuen-do, Wushu, Thifan, dan lain sebagainya. kritik dan saran yang bersifat membangun sangat diharapkan agar kedepannya aplikasi teknik bela diri ini dapat lebih baik lagi. semoga bermanfaat.

Martial was an attempt us to protect ourselves from human attacks atupun the other.

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Indeed, essentially, practicing martial arts is trained to 'defend themselves' or 'defend themselves'. Many interpretations of the meaning of 'defend themselves'. Literally membeladiri is to protect yourself. The next question is: "protect yourself from what?". Of course, many would agree that the meaning of 'defensively' is to protect yourself from things that harm themselves.

Martial should also be used in hala a good thing as helping the persecuted, helping people in distress, helping families, the most important we always defend the truth because with it we will be respected by others. Martial arts are also divided into several types rather than the art of unarmed combat a sharp, sharp weapons such as wood, and the art of empty hand combat. Among the types of martial art Aikido, Capoeira, Wrestling, Hapkido

Jiu Jitsu, Jogo do pau, Judo, Kalaripayat, Karate, Kempo, Kendo

Kung Fu, Muay Thai, NEST, Silambam, silat, taekwondo, Taido, nju

Tomoi, Wing Tsun, Wun-hup-kuen-do, Wushu, Thifan, and so forth. criticism and constructive suggestions it is expected that future applications of this self-defense techniques can be better. may be useful. 



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