Someday Tasks List

Someday Tasks List
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Someday Tasks List.
It's good for us to have dreams for different areas and times of life and to write them down in a Someday task list. Writing your goals will increase your ability to achieve them and bring you to some level of commitment. Having a Someday tasks list helps to alleviate the burden of remembering possible activities and allows you to put the focus on your current tasks. Someday tasks list can be used as a bucket list, a to-do list, or a general list.
You can add Someday tasks to different categories like To do before I die or To do this year. Or you can make your own categories. You can view active and completed Someday tasks whenever you want and set a daily, weekly, or monthly reminder that reminds you to check your Someday tasks so you can bring them to your mind from time to time You can also set a reminder for an individual task.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Someday Tasks List.
Developer: Motiva Coding
Recent changes: - User interface improvements.
- Bug fixes.
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