Chatbot Playground

Chatbot Playground
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Chatbot Playground.
The Chatbot Playground can help you in many ways, such as creating scripts, correcting texts, creating programming codes, translating languages, behaving like a powerful chatbot, and many other things.
The app does not offer any free or paid plans. It is just a kind of "client" that aims to make it easier to use the official OpenAI API.
You just need to enter your API key, which can be obtained by creating an account on the official OpenAI website. You can try the API for free initially, with $18 free to use in the first 3 months.
The API charges for token usage, with a value for each 1K tokens used, depending on the AI model chosen. Tokens are like pieces of words, where 1000 tokens are about 750 words. The tokens are counted from the text of your message + the text of the AI's response.
Two conversation modes: Chat Mode and Search Mode. Use Chat Mode when you want to have conversations that look like a chat (like "ChatGPT") and Search Mode when you want to make isolated questions. Chat Mode consumes more tokens than Search Mode.
Option to rename, clear, and delete conversations.
Options to configure the AI model.
Transparent: You can easily see how many tokens each conversation is consuming, as well as quickly access your account consumption directly on the OpenAI website.
Multiple app themes, in dark and light mode.
Simple and easy to use!
Q: Is my API key safe when entered into this app?
A: Don't worry, the app does not share or collect your API key in any way. Both the API key and messages are only saved locally on your device. You can check your account consumption and/or revoke the use of your API key at any time on the OpenAI website.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This app has no affiliation with OpenAI. It also does not offer the same results as the official "ChatGPT" website, but may offer similar, more direct and objective results.
The use of the API, as well as prices and availability, are subject to the terms of OpenAI.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Chatbot Playground.
Developer: K-Projects
Recent changes: • Changed app name to Chatbot Playground;
• Internal updates and minor bug fixes.
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