Petals FM 102.3

Petals FM 102.3
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Petals FM 102.3.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Petals FM 102.3.
Developer: Techrunch Solutions Ltd.
Genre: Social
App version: 1.0
App size: 5.8M
Most users of this app are in diaspora with different time zones. This app needs to be upgraded and programs should be recorded to be listened to later. This app fails to load online feeds many times. Petals FM needs to have a channel on YouTube and a page we can watch live on facebook.
Not having a good experience. The station is not loading and it keeps bringing error connecting. The developers should fix this app on their end.
Very poor. I've had it deleted several times and have to reinstalled. But its been thesame. Poor as usual. No rating
The voice and analysis of Dotun Saseyi @maestro keeps one captivated. His analyses are always engaging and insightful. It's so good to be able to connect from afar.
Why is Petals FM not on facebook live and Instagram live. Consider please.'
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