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Idea Tracker play online

Free play online Idea Tracker APK

Idea Tracker

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named Idea Tracker.

Got an interesting idea and want to keep track of it? Idea tracker helps you to do just that.

I know many people, including myself, who get interesting and useful ideas (about anything) while walking on a street, at a cinema, travelling by a train, etc . Problem with such sudden sparks of ideas is that they tend to lose their appeal and clarity when left unattended for long. It would be helpful to jot down those ideas immediately as they occur and estimate a time for it to be attended.

I wanted an application to record, then and there, my ideas and estimated hours to implement that idea. This way, with estimated time, the spark of idea transforms into an action plan immediately.

This application is for imaginative and creative thinkers, executives and artists, who don't want to lose track of their innovations.


NEW: Idea Tracker can now be moved to SD card.
BUGFIX : Now, ideas can be created without name and/or estimate hours.



Idea Tracker from UptoPlay.net

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