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Grameen Kisaan Connect play online

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Grameen Kisaan Connect

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Grameen Kisaan Connect.

Grameen Kisaan Connect is a digital platform to help farmers with information and access to various services like Agri Inputs and Market access. The Grameen Kisaan Connect app is used by Agri entrepreneurs, Input Shops, FPOs and other farmer groups to mobilize, digitize the farmers and farmland profiles to provide actionable insights on good agricultural practices.
The Grameen Kisaan Connect app would be used by two network channels of Grameen Pragati Partners (GPP) and Grameen Pragati Stores (GPS) to engage with farmers, farmer collectives, buyers, and sellers. They would be able to on-board farmer and the farmlands, able to sell agricultural products and help farmers access markets.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Grameen Kisaan Connect.


Developer: Grameen Impact Ventures

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