Learn German Words Slingshot

Learn German Words Slingshot
The official app & game
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Hallo and welcome to the desert but not just any desert, it's a desert with a slingshot and a chicken. Now, this doesn't have anything to do with cooked chicken, but you are a chicken using a slingshot. This desert isn't just any desert, this one has flashcards falling from the sky. These flashcards will be the key to survival when it comes to learning a new language. Learn German so that you can overcome the desert and go to Germany.
SlingShot German Words Simulator is a vibrant game that supports language learning with a focus on spelling and pronunciation of words. Learn new vocab painlessly and quickly with the power of your subconscious. Slingshot has been designed to use a variety of techniques to speed up vocabulary acquisition, including visual memory, associations and more. It's an German learning app that is perfect for any learner whether in school, work, or leisure.
All of our language learning games are designed based on Applied linguist Ulf Schuetze's (PhD) book: Language Learning and the Brain Lexical Processing in Second Language Acquisition (https://www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/languages-linguistics/applied-linguistics-and-second-language-acquisition/language-learning-and-brain-lexical-processing-second-language-acquisition)
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Learn German Words Slingshot.
Developer: Infusion Edutainment
Recent changes: Updated UI and improved setting functionality
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