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To-do list with company hierar play online

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To-do list with company hierar

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game To-do list with company hierar.

This to-do list is different from usual to-list apps as it allows the CEO to get a summary of to-do items in his company by status (on-going, to be reviewed and completed). The CEO can also drill down to the task details. He can also assign tasks to anyone in the company. Managers can assign tasks to anyone under them and see summary in the same way.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game To-do list with company hierar.


Developer: Fair Share IT Services Pvt. Ltd.

Recent changes: Release notes:

1) Task could be repeated daily, weekly, monthly or yearly

2) Report that shows tasks in one glance for all staff that reports into user.

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