Arduino & ESP32 Bluetooth Controller App - Dabble

Arduino & ESP32 Bluetooth Controller App
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
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Whether you're a student, a teacher, or a hobbyist, Dabble is the perfect app for all your DIYing needs. It transforms your Smartphone into a virtual I/O device and lets you control hardware via Bluetooth, communicate with it, access sensors like accelerometer, GPS, and proximity and other features of your Smartphone. It also provides you with dedicated projects compatible with Scratch and Arduino to help you learn by doing.
What Dabble has in store:
LED Brightness Control: Control brightness of LEDs.
Terminal: Send and receive text and voice commands over Bluetooth.
Gamepad: Control devices/robot in analog (Joystick), digital, and accelerometer mode.
Pin State Monitor: Remotely monitor the live status of devices and debug them.
Motor Control: Control actuators such as the DC motor, and servo motor.
Inputs: Provide analog and digital inputs via buttons, knobs, and switches.
Phone Sensor: Access different sensors of your Smartphone such as the accelerometer, gyroscope, proximity sensor, magnetometer, light sensor, sound sensor, GPS, temperature sensor, and barometer to make projects and conduct experiments.
Camera:Use the camera of your Smartphone for taking photos, record videos, colour picking, and face recognition (coming soon).
IoT : Log data, publish it on cloud, connect with internet, set notifications, and access data from APIs like ThingSpeak, openWeathermap, etc (coming soon).
Oscilloscope : Wirelessly visualize and analyse the input and output signals given to the device using the oscilloscope module.
Music Tune : Receive commands from the device and play tones, songs, or other recorded audio files on your Smartphone.
Projects :) (Coming Soon): Make dedicated projects to experience different concepts of the real world first-hand like home automation, line-follower and robotic arm.
Boards Compatible with Dabble:
Arduino Uno
Arduino Mega
Arduino Nano
Bluetooth Modules Compatible with Dabble:
HC-05, Bluetooth Classic 2.0
HC-06, Bluetooth Classic 2.0
HM-10 or AT-09, Bluetooth 4.0 & Bluetooth Low Energy (ESP32 has inbuilt Bluetooth 4.2 & BLE)
Want to know more about Dabble? Visit:
Module Documentation:
Projects that you can make:
Dabble app usually serves as a virtual replacement for:
Sensors like IR, proximity, color recognition, accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, mic, sound, etc.
Arduino shields like Wi-Fi, Internet, TFT Display, 1Sheeld, touchboard, ESP8266 Nodemcu shield, GPS, gamepad, etc.
Modules like joystick, numpad/keypad, camera, audio recorder, sound playback, etc.
Permissions required for:
Bluetooth: to provide connectivity.
Camera: for taking pictures, videos, face recognition, color sensor, etc.
Microphone: to send voice commands and use the sound sensor.
Storage: to store the pictures and videos taken.
Location: to use Location sensor and BLE.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Arduino & ESP32 Bluetooth Controller App - Dabble.
Developer: STEMpedia
Genre: Tools
App version: 1.0.6
App size: 9.9M
Recent changes: 1. Resolved black screen issue with Android 5,6 and 7.
2. Minor UI changes.
Great app. Very clean and it has many functions. Trivial but enabling sound meter caused the app to crash on my S20.
Like the app, but i am having resolution issues with the gamepad joystick. For instance, there seems to be a large dead band when moving the stick at the midway points where the stick is 45 deg. From either horizontal or vertical in all 4 quadrants. The joystick outputs values that are equal in both X and Y for a large range in these areas. Makes finite control more difficult. Perhaps, this is an error in communcication with my hc06, but i dont think that is the case.
This is the only one that supports hm-10. Well polished, has terminal commands, joysticks, all types of inputs.
Works great, mega 2560 + hm-10 v3. I wish I could make and save custom panel of buttons, dials and switches etc. I would pay for a premium version with that feature. I also experience some delay but I'm not sure if it's just my implementation. There is alot more to this than what I am using. Nice feature set.
I love this app. It is vey helpful and easy to use. But there is a short delay that I think it is due to the app may be because some functions are under development but I'm not sure. Please correct me if I am wrong or if it is normal and associated with the bluetooth module. I'm using arduino nano with hm-10."
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