Film Reel
Film Reel
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Film Reel.
Film Reel helps you to browse for top rated, now playing, popular and upcoming movies, which are retrieved from Track what you want to watch adding bookmarks, find cinemas nearby.
All movies are saved into local DB using Android Architecture Components.
This app uses the following components:
* Android Architecture Components - Room, LiveData, ViewModel
* Glide
* Retrofit
* Dagger2
* RxJava2
* OkHttp3
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Film Reel.
Developer: Anton Karpenko
Genre: Entertainment
App version: 1.1.2
App size: 2.1M
Recent changes: Bug fixes and performance improvements
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