Vespa Velutina

Vespa Velutina
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
Use UptoPlay to play online the game Vespa Velutina.
Transact exploitations Apcolas and believes Alerts Geolocated to control to the Asian Wasp or future species.
We present the version 2.0 based in facilitating the communication of the register of your apiaries with the Administrations or Departments of Agriculture.
Additions more than 10 new modules in which you will be able to register:
EXPLOITATIONS: it Configures the exploitations with your settlements.
DOCUMENTS: Communication of the current Census and Book of Exploitation Apcola.
REIGN: it Creates your own Queens indicating his state, cycle, etc.
LABEL NFC: it Writes and it reads the information of your hives in the labels. You will be able to buy the already configured labels from the options of sending of kits or use any one compatible of the market.
DIET: it Controls the alimentary supplementation of the bees.
ANALYTICAL: it Takes official samples.
TREATMENTS: you will be able to indicate the periods of suppression, length, process....
VETERINARY CONTROLS: it Adds the data reflected by the veterinary actuante.
ACADEMY: it Registers courses, consults events, videos, markets or takes part in the community.
PLAGUES: it Identifies the problems and illnesses of your hives.
LABS: It experiences with future functions: predictions, analysis of dead acaruses, etc.
Way Mount: it Work so much in off-line way like on-line in the cases of fault of coverage.
Monitoring of Apiaries: it Record the activity of flight of his hives.
Actions of Voice: it Control the App by means of commandos of voice.
- it Make the Test of Identification of Asian Wasp.
- It manage the notices.
- It attach photographs, videos, audios or attachments mixed.
- Inform of the focuses of sightings and nests detected, removed and verified so much to European level or by Country geolocating his current location.
LOCATION: it Consults the position of the notices, cheats or of your settlements.
SETTLEMENTS: it Believes settlements geolocated.
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