Jeu De Dessin Et Coloriage

Jeu De Dessin Et Coloriage
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
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Several applications have been developed to allow students to draw and color on the store. The coloring pages in this application are particularly well suited to everything. The color palette is very easy to use. The number of colors for coloring is deliberately limited in order to facilitate the use of the drawing and coloring application. Several color palettes are selectable, they range from 6 to 24 colors. In this application, a small voice indicates the name of the selected color, a voice that can be deactivated at any time. All you have to do is choose one of the categories and enjoy drawing.
Here are 5 benefits of coloring to help you develop yourself:
1-Coloring allows psychomotor development in terms of spatial organization and fine motor skills, therefore pre-writing;
2-Coloring can be used to learn colors and color mixtures. It allows to experiment with colors and, thus, to develop the scientific spirit;
3-This activity also helps to increase creativity and self-esteem. Drawing allows you to express emotions and color your imagination;
4-Coloring helps to create links between adults and other categories. It is an easy activity to practice with the family, because it does not require a lot of equipment or structure.
5-Finally, coloring allows relaxation and reflection. Some designs are created exactly for this purpose.
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Jeu De Dessin Et Coloriage.
Developer: ABLWFA
Recent changes: Colorez Et Dessinez Avec Vos Enfants
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