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Judgement play online

Play Judgement APK


The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Judgement.

Judgement is the easiest way to organise your game points with your family and friends.
Stop stressing about counting points, This app will arrange game points for you from start to end. Our mission is to reduce the stress and extra work you have to do instead of spending fun-time with our loved ones.

The app maintains the scores, easily mark if a player's judgement was correct or not.
Very easy to use.
No need to calculate who the winner is, this app will tell you!

Judgement is great for:
- Family and Roommates
- Group trips around the world
- Night out with Friends
- And so much more

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Judgement.


Developer: Harsh Gadhecha

Genre: Card

App version: 1.0.0

App size: 48M

Recent changes: Initial Release


Easy Interface and Fun to Use: No more paper and pen needed to keep track of our scores. This app makes everything simpler. Recommended

Best app for managing kachuful points. Very helpful. Get rid of note, pen and calculation.

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