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12 orbits ○ local multiplayer 2,3,4,5...12 players play online

Free play online 12 orbits ○ local multiplayer 2,3,4,5...12 players   APK

12 orbits ○ local multiplayer 2,3,4,5...12 players

The official app & game

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Play this online game named 12 orbits ○ local multiplayer 2,3,4,5...12 players .

The only local multiplayer party game that lets you challenge 2, 3,4, 5, 6... up to 12 players at once on just one screen. Onesmartphone or tablet is all you need. • Competitive localmultiplayer for everyone at once. Anywhere. On anything. • 4 vastlydifferent game modes to choose from • Setup takes seconds, even for12 players at once • The basic mechanics are simple and can betaught to a group quickly • ...yet they provide you with a lot ofroom for mastery and competition • Works just as well for 2, 3, 4,5, 6… players as it does for 12 You can choose from 4 verydifferent game modes: ○ Arena Fill the arena with spheres of yourown color and avoid those of your opponents. A bullet hell gamethat constantly grows more intense. ○ Multiball (Teams) Kind oflike football, but with exploding goals and multiple balls at once,which change color all the time. Teamplay is more important thanmastery. ○ Trails Collect spheres to grow longer than youropponents. Then block their path and pay attention to your own. Andshould the other players try to keep their distance, just flingyour spheres at them. ○ Blizzard (Teams) Think tennis. But you haveto defend against a whole shower of spheres at once, and send themright back where they came from. Whether you prefer playing localmultiplayer versus or as a team, defensively or offensively,competitively or in utter chaos, anything is possible. Even so, 12orbits requires only one button per player. This makes it easy tolearn and teach others how to play it, yet it still provides asurprising amount of control for perfectionists. 12 orbits is alocal multiplayer party game for many players at once. But ofcourse, you can also start off with a smaller group. All game modesautomatically adjust to 2 players just as well as to any othernumber: 3 players, 4 players, 5 players, 6 players, 7 players, 8players, 9 players, 10 players, 11 players, and of course 12players can all easily compete with each other. Just try it out!The free version comes with all of the features and no more than afew ads. No micro transactions, no sharing of your data, and nounnecessary permissions. If you enjoy 12 orbits and would like tosupport me in its development, you can buy an ad-free version righthere, in the Store. Thank you.


12 orbits ○ local multiplayer 2,3,4,5...12 players from UptoPlay.net

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