EduGorillas AP Police Constable Mock Test App

EduGorillas AP Police Constable Mock Test App
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A Constable's post is often on par with the post of an Officer in the Indian Police Force. They are responsible for presiding over the day to day activities of their station. The Andhra Pradesh Police Department is the official law enforcement wing of Andhra Pradesh. The Andhra Pradesh State Police Recruitment Board is responsible for its own recruitment. Andhra Pradesh Police department has recently released notification for recruitment of constables in the Force.
Special Features of EduGorilla's Andhra Pradesh Police Constable Mock Tests
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Latest pattern Mock Tests & Current Affairs present in Andhra Pradesh Police Constable Practice Exam App
Mock Tests with questions as per the latest exam pattern
Smart user-interface that saves 40% of study time
Daily News provided for the latest issues
Relevant Current Affairs for the exams
Reminders for Regular Exam Updates
Daily Quiz to test your preparation
Detailed analysis and performance comparison on All-India & State-Level basis
Accessible in Hindi, English Language
The best online exam preparation app available at modest price
Andhra Pradesh Police Constable App Details
The police safeguard and protect the rights of citizens and thus is a prestigious institution in our society. To ensure that only the best candidates are appointed as personnel, the recruitment process for J & k Police Constable is kept highly competitive requiring absolute focus of the aspirants. The Andhra Pradesh Police Constable mock test app is one of the many online learning apps available on our portal. Andhra Pradesh Police Constable mock test app and Andhra Pradesh Police Constable practice exam app have been designed by a team of experts that help aspirants in achieving remarkable scores in the exam. The Andhra Pradesh Police Constable exam preparation app provides clarity and boosts efficiency with regular practice. With the help of our Andhra Pradesh Police Constable exam preparation app candidates can have a clear understanding of fundamentals and can tackle any question asked in the exam.
Subjects Covered in Andhra Pradesh Police Constable
Reasoning/Mental Ability: yllogism, Statement and Arguments, Punch lines, Situation Reaction Tests, Cause and Effect, Analogy, Classification, Series, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, etc.
General Knowledge: Inventions and Discoveries, Indian Parliament, History, Geography, Literature, Economy, Sports, General Science, Heritage, Famous Days & Dates.
English: Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage, writing ability, Interpretation.
Arithmetic: Average, Simple Interest, Discount, Average, Simple Interest, Discount, Time & Distance, Number System, Decimals and Fraction, etc.
Andhra Pradesh Police Constable Exam Pattern
Mode of Exam: Offline
Duration: 180 Minutes
No. of Questions: 200
Total Marks: 200
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EduGorillas team of experts are driven to make the best mock test series apps for students. We provide the best exam preparation apps at a modest price to help all students in preparation for various exams. EduGorillas best online exam preparation apps provide keen insight into the latest exam pattern. Therefore, get our apps today to get the best mock tests.
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