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Hagleitner scanME play online

Play Hagleitner scanME APK

Hagleitner scanME

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game Hagleitner scanME.

HAGLEITNER scanME is your digital hygienie consultant

Start today and benefit from the following features:

Find a barcode on all HAGLEITNER products. Scan the barcode and get:
- more information on of the product, the usage, dosage and field of application,
- safety information and
- operation manuals.

scanME is available in your language: get the product information in your language and share it.

Experience the HAGLEITNER brochures and catalogues: scan the barcode or QR Code and get more product information. Select and order your products directly with this app.

No barcode available? Search with search items or products names.

Easy reordering:
Warehouse empty? Need more products? Simply order with scanME. Enter the quantity and click order.
scanME remembers your orders, scans and search results.

Control your stock with scanME:
Set minimal stock and target stock to avoid bottlenecks. The app remembers your values.

Contact us for more information on HAGLEITNER at [email protected].

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Hagleitner scanME.


Developer: Hagleitner Hygiene International GmbH

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