Mini Army Military Shooter 1.0

Mini Army Military Shooter 1.0
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
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Are you ready to destroy bad guys with your own little army ofcartoon soldiers? Check our new Mini Army Military Shooter game forall the tactical shooter lovers! Try great variety of difficultylevels, rule the whole army of funny cartoon soldiers and becomethe best army commander ever!Become the best cartoon army soldierever! Improve your shooting and strategy skills being an ordinarysoldier of the smallest but the mightiest army and fighting withthe other army! Capture the base of your opponents and try not tolose any soldier of your side! Make a clear placement of yourtroops and rush into this epic battle!Mind that your army is not solarge, so appreciate its every unit! When the time would be over,the army with more alive cartoon soldiers would win the battle!Your mission is to stop your rivals’ army with the minimum of yourown losses!Remember that every weapon has its own characteristicfeatures, so choose wisely, think ahead and think over yourstrategy – the moment is precious! Mind your army indicators not tolose anyone and have fun playing Mini Army Military Shooter!Earncoins for each successfully passed battle and buy new interestingweapons, skins for your brutal soldier or the ammunition for yoursuper army! Check three difficulty levels: recruit level, sergeantand major! Complete missions with rising difficulty levels anddefeat every army of your rivals!Mini Army Military Shooterfeatures:• Ultimate cartoon army battlefield shooter• Various typesof different weapons with their own characteristics• Opportunity toimprove your tactics and strategy skills• Amazing 3D graphicsLearnhow to properly be a soldier in the cartoon army and become thebest shot ever with Mini Army Military Shooter!Privacy policy:
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