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LDL-C Manager play online

Free play online LDL-C Manager APK

LDL-C Manager

The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay





Play this online game named LDL-C Manager.

The ACC LDL-C Manager app provides 3-tools-in-1 to help clinicians manage a patient’s LDL-C from therapy initiation through treatment calibration with the goal of lowering ASCVD risk:
— ASCVD Risk Estimator: Calculate pretreatment ASCVD risk and determine appropriateness of statin therapy for patient
— LDL-C Lowering Therapy tool: Assess response to statin, and determine if other therapies should be considered and in what order
— Statin Intolerance tool: Evaluate patient for possible statin intolerance, and determine appropriate next steps

The information and recommendations in this App are not meant to represent the only or best course of care, or replace clinical judgment. Therapeutic options should be determined after discussion between the patient and their care provider.


Updated advice content and resources based on the 2018 ACC/AHA et al. Guideline on the Management of Blood Cholesterol



LDL-C Manager from UptoPlay.net

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