Dana Mudah-Super Cash

Dana Mudah-Super Cash
The official app & game
Distributed by UptoPlay
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Easy Fund Online Loan Products:
Loan amount: IDR 500,000-IDR 8,000,000
Loan tenor: 91-365 days
Low interest (maximum): 18% per year
There are no other additional costs
An example of calculating a loan of IDR 3,000,000 with a period of 6 months, the fees charged are as follows:
Then the interest that the user must pay every month is: 3,000,000 * 0.05% * 30 30 = 45,000,
Totalcostinterestfor180days(6months)usage:45000*6months =270,000,
Amount ofloanmonththatmust be repaid:3,000,000 /6months+45,000 =545,000,180days (6 months)
Total payment amount: 545,000 * 6 months= 3,270,000
Easy Funds is one of the Indonesian credit loan applications, online credit without collateral. make fast and safe loans, unsecured credit, get rupiah cash loans online, not deducted first, full payment!
Loan conditions:
1. Indonesian citizens have at least 1 KTP;
2. At least 21 years old and above;
3. Domiciled in Indonesia;
4. Register as a member of the Easy Fund.
When the user meets the requirements above, he can apply for a loan, and the loan can be disbursed to the user's account after the application is approved.
Borrowing steps:
1. Download the Easy Fund loan application
2. Fill in the data for loan applications.
3. Waiting for the verification process.
4. Funds will be immediately disbursed into your account.
If Users need our help please contact us via email below
Phone: 81229031633
Email: [email protected]
Address: Nifarro Park, ITS Tower, Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No.18, RT.1/RW.1, East Pejaten, Ps. Sunday, City of South Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 12510, Indonesia
Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game Dana Mudah-Super Cash.
Developer: PT Tunai Cair Financial
Recent changes: Optimalisasi antarmuka, perbaikan fungsi
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